
«Some people feel hatred, but for me it’s more like fear»: a student expelled for defending heritage

«Some people feel hatred, but for me it’s more like fear»: a student expelled for defending heritage

After being arrested for defending a historic building and expelled from the Faculty of Political Sciences, former student Kirill Kaverin’s views on war and peace began to change.
The Nightmarish Glow of Fluorescent Lights: St. Petersburg Resident Sues Police Officers Who Twice Tried to Prosecute Her for Discrediting the Army

The Nightmarish Glow of Fluorescent Lights: St. Petersburg Resident Sues Police Officers Who Twice Tried to Prosecute Her for Discrediting the Army

Tatyana Levicheva spent two sleepless nights in a police precinct handcuffed to a chair — and now proves the illegality of police officers’ actions in court.
«I am a lonely spikelet in the field». One man’s struggle with Russian authorities

«I am a lonely spikelet in the field». One man’s struggle with Russian authorities

For standing against the war, this man had his home raided and his roof repainted.
«An Ideology for War»: Why Putin Needs Queerphobia Today

«An Ideology for War»: Why Putin Needs Queerphobia Today

How the Kremlin has been trying to ban queer community and why it is happening right now.
«As a man of faith, I cannot stay silent». A story of an exiled activist

«As a man of faith, I cannot stay silent». A story of an exiled activist

Aleksey Galimov left Russia when faced with persecution for his antiwar stance. This is his story.
«The world has turned upside down». A young man with schizophrenia is on trial for opposing the war

«The world has turned upside down». A young man with schizophrenia is on trial for opposing the war

This is a story of a criminal case against a 21-year-old with schizophrenia. He is accused of spreading «fake news» on his social media account.
«Thrown down on the floor and hit in the head». What’s it like to monitor elections in Russia

«Thrown down on the floor and hit in the head». What’s it like to monitor elections in Russia

Testimony of the member of the «Golos» («Voice») movement on how he became a witness in the criminal case